Betekenis van:
in sight

in sight
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • at or within a reasonable distance for seeing
    "not a policeman in sight"


    1. It's in plain sight.
    2. Land came in sight.
    3. No one's in sight.
    4. An island came in sight.
    5. The hotel was in sight.
    6. The ship came in sight.
    7. Lake Biwa came in sight.
    8. They came in sight of the building.
    9. The ship gradually came in sight.
    10. We came in sight of the hill.
    11. There was not a tree in sight.
    12. He lost his sight in the accident.
    13. He came in sight of the building.
    14. We came in sight of the sea.
    15. There wasn't a soul in sight.